If you’re still trapped in Microsoft Windows, well, we have yet another reason to consider ditching them and making the switch to Linux based Operating Systems. Microsoft announced that their
Digital Privacy Bootcamp: Mark37.com
An excellent sample presentation by our partners at Mark37.com, listen to Sean Patrick Tario give an excellent, concise guide to escaping big tech. Sean lays out the fundamentals in shifting
https://www.privacytools.io/ Privacy tools at a glance, this is an excellent resource, in addition to this site, to help you select good tools for the toolbox. In addition to this site,
UEFI Exfiltration of Info
While the scope remains to be seen, this hack demonstrates an exploited vulnerability, we have more to learn about just what this story means for the millions of us using
Secure Messaging Apps Comparison
A deep dive into the various features of the more common messaging apps in use today: https://www.securemessagingapps.com/
Are you trapped in Google?
An excellent read and wake up call for those trapped in big tech ecosystems. It’s not your fault, these companies rose to power by exploiting everything they could about us.