By default, your system will have various default connections to check time via Time Servers, often multiple. On Pop!_OS specifically, I want to change the default Time Servers to a single one that uses the built in NTS protocol of System76 (the maintainer of Pop!_OS). For other distributions of Linux, you will likely have a different Time Server and protocol, however they can almost all be configured to use the one we will demonstrate today.

To change from a handful of the default time servers, we are going to modify our system to only check one.

In a terminal, run the following command to open the appropriate config file:

sudo nano /etc/chrony/chrony.conf

Look for the lines that have “”

Let’s comment those out (add a # in front of them) and enable this one:


Ctl + O to save, Ctl + X to exit

Reboot the machine and that will now only check that one time server from now on

Image of the /etc/chrony/chrony.conf file showing the final changes highlighted: